Neighbourhood scheme to ensure elderly are able to make doctors’ appointments
12th June 2017
The Good Ivers Neighbour Scheme has been gaining traction since it was first suggested. In an effort to help the most vulnerable in their community who rely on mobility aids and special facilities such as walk in baths and showers, the community is removing the need for public transport and offering their services instead free of charge.
The volunteers will either man the phones and co-ordinate the fleet, while others drive those who need it to and from the doctors, while waiting patiently for the duration of their appointment. This not only ensures that all members of the community are able to make their appointments, but that they are also less daunted by the prospect of the journey.
Covering three different sites, it is believed that this service will help between 30 and 40 people in the area. There is hopes that this will not only extend to other locations but also to other services. With talks of people volunteering to take on tasks such as shopping, gardening, small house jobs, the elements of friendship and support that will be available to those most likely to feel isolated is heartening.
Increasing contact between the elderly and isolated to the rest of the community can reduce the risk of depression greatly, while taking on the more manual jobs about the house and garden can reduce and even prevent the amount of falls.
Though shopping services are available online, the human interaction can often be the most enjoyable aspect while ensuring the older generation remain active and participate in society. By encouraging greater interaction between the different generations, it can increase understanding, especially among the younger members of society while giving increased depth to otherwise isolated lives.
The Ivers Good Neighbours Scheme has thus far been supported with a couple of grants. Receiving money from BCC and SBDC.
This news article is from Handicare UK. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only and are up to date as of the time of publishing